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We Talk to Eli Roth About His Slasher Movie, Thanksgiving

11/16/2023 • 3 min read

Thanksgiving | Cinemark

This Thanksgiving, horror fans get to feast! Eli Roth's new slasher movie, THANKSGIVING, channels all the great aspects of '80s and '90s horror, especially the bloody violence that manages to be mean-spirited and fun at the same time (if you like that kind of thing) into a terrific new horror experience.

When Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez recruited friends to make fake trailers for their GRINDHOUSE double-feature, no one expected the trailers to eclipse the popularity of the feature movies. But Edgar Wright's DON'T, Jason Eisner's HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN, Rodriguez's own MACHETE, and Eli Roth's THANKSGIVING all immediately became movies people wanted to see. HOBO and MACHETE were turned into movies long ago, and now we get to talk to Eli Roth about the process of expanding his own brilliant trailer concept into a gory, crowd-pleasing feature.

Watch our full video interview with Eli Roth:



THANKSGIVING opens on November 17.


All images courtesy of Sony Pictures.

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