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Unhinged: Exclusive Interview With Russell Crowe and Caren Pistorius

Unhinged: Exclusive Interview With Russell Crowe and Caren Pistorius


Russell Crowe returns to the big screen in the wild and intense UNHINGED, but this is a different sort of role for the actor. Crowe plays a man who seems to be at his breaking point. After an altercation with a woman (Caren Pistorius) at a traffic light, he makes her the target of a series of deadly "lessons" intended to prop up his own sense of justice.

While no studios are holding traditional press days right now, we attended a virtual junket for UNHINGED, getting a one-on-one chat with both Caren Pistorius and Russell Crowe via Skype, to get their thoughts on what drew them to this exciting project.

"We’re tackling an issue that we can all relate to," Caren Pistorius told us. "We’ve all sort of had some form of experience of road rage… I think a lot of people will be able to share their stories and relate."

Co-star and Academy Award-winner Russell Crowe admitted that, at first glance, he thought of this project as "just a genre film," but added, "in reality, it’s making such heavy commentary on the situation we’re at in western society."

Crowe seemed to have done extensive research on both his new role and the movie's role in society, during a pandemic. He told us, "when they started doing research with people who were stuck in isolation," he added, "people wanted to see a thriller."

Pistorius added, "this film is definitely made for people who love psychological thrillers... and who want to be taken on a crazy ride."

Check out our experience in the virtual junket for the world premiere of UNHINGED:

Want to learn more about Russell Crowe's drive to villainy in UNHINGED?

All images courtesy of Solstice Studios.

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